Saturday 21 May 2011

Weekend Treasury

We so enjoyed the recent TV series 'The Crimson Petal and the White'. Set in Victorian London, we followed the main character, a prostitute called Sugar, and rooted for her all the way. It was visually ravishing, even the dark stuff. I occasionally ruined the suspension of disbelief by exclaiming 'I just love the way they've kept her out of focus even thought she's now the one talking!'. Spoddy, moi? Anyway, when I could shut up long enough we loved the story, costumes, sets, jewellery, acting, well everything really.

I couldn't resist putting together a treasury of crimson and white, with a good dose of black. A slight difference from the TV series though - this is set in Paris and kind of took on a Moulin Rouge theme as it progressed. I just couldn't find enough Victorian London themed pictures on Etsy. I expect they are there somewhere but I really couldn't spend any more hours looking! Anyway, here is my Crimson and White. Let's hope we get more drama of that calibre on TV soon.

















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