Monday 16 May 2011

Steel cut

In my last post I mentioned a Victorian steel cut beaded purse I had just bought at a local antiques fair. I have to admit that I hadn't heard of steel cut beads before I picked up this little purse. That's one of the things I love about vintage - I learn so much all the time. It's also why it takes me a long time to list each item - I enjoy doing the research. Of course, I don't know what I'd do without the internet. I guess I'd have even more books than I do now!

I love this little purse. So faded and beautiful.

It turns out the French made a lot of delicate little purses and bags out of tiny metal beads which were chemically dyed, often in gold, silver and bronze.

Purses were made of other metals too so from now on I'll be carrying a magnet with me when I go shopping so that I can test heavy beaded purses and see if they're made of steel.

While on the subject of steel - I've also just listed this vintage carving fork.

When I see old cutlery like this I'm reminded of my Nan's great old knives - worn away to thin slivers after many years of use - all those delicious home cooked meals - makes my mouth water just thinking about it!

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